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제7차 한국표준질병사인분류

제7차 한국표준질병사인분류 - 특수 목적 코드(U00-U99)

제7차 한국표준질병사인분류(KCD-7)의 수많은 분류 중 특수 목적 코드에 대해 안내드립니다.

 22. 특수 목적 코드(U00-U99)

22. 특수 목적 코드(U00-U99)

  • 인이 불확실한 신종질환의 임시적 지정이나 응급사용(U00-U19)    Provisional assignment of new diseases of uncertain etiology
    U04    중증급성호흡증후군[SARS]    Severe acute respiratory syndrome[SARS]
    U06    U06의 응급사용    Emergency use of U06
    U07    U07의 응급사용    Emergency use of U07
    U19    중동호흡기증후군[MERS]    Middle east respiratory syndrome [MERS]

  • 항균제 및 항암제 내성(U82-U85) Resistance to antimicrobial and antineoplastic drugs
    U82 베타락탐항생제 내성 Resistance to betalactam antibiotics
    U83 기타 항생제 내성 Resistance to other antibiotics
    U84 기타 항균제 내성 Resistance to other antimicrobial drugs
    U85 항암제 내성 Resistance to antineoplastic drugs
  • 재발한 악성 신생물(U99)    Recurrent malignant neoplasm
    U99    재발한 악성 신생물    Recurrent malignant neoplasm

  • 한의병명(韓醫病名)(U22-U33)    Disease Name of Oriental Medicine

  • 한의병증(韓醫病證)(U50-U79)    Disease Pattern/syndrome of Oriental Medicine
    U50    육음병증(六淫病證)    Disease Pattern of Six Excesses
    U52-U57    육경병증(六經病證)    Disease pattern of Six Meridians
    U52    태양병증(太陽病證)    Greater yang disease pattern
    U53    양명병증(陽明病證)    Yang brightness disease pattern
    U54    소양병증(少陽病證)    Lesser yang disease pattern
    U55    태음병증(太陰病證)    Greater yin disease pattern
    U56    소음병증(少陰病證)    Lesser yin disease pattern
    U57    궐음병증(厥陰病證)    Reverting yin disease pattern
    U59    삼초위기영혈병증(三焦衛氣營血病證)    Disease Pattern of Triple Energizer and Defense-Qi-Nutrient-Blood
    U60-U63    기혈음양진액병증    Disease pattern of Qi-Blood-Yin-Yang-Fluid-Humor
    U60    기병증(氣病證)    Disease pattern of Qi
    U61    혈병증(血病證)    Disease pattern of Blood
    U62    기혈음양병증(氣血陰陽病證)    Disease pattern of Qi-Blood-Yin-Yang
    U63    진액병증(津液病證)    Disease Pattern of Fluid-Homor
    U64    간허증(肝虛證)    Liver deficiency pattern
    U65    간실증(肝實證)    Liver excess pattern
    U66    심허증(心虛證)    Heart deficiency pattern
    U67    심실증(心實證)    Heart excess pattern
    U68    비병증(脾病證)    Spleen disease pattern
    U69-U70    폐병증(肺病證)    Lung disease pattern
    U69    폐허증(肺虛證)    Lung deficiency pattern
    U70    폐실증(肺實證)    Lung excess pattern
    U71    신병증(腎病證)    Kidney disease pattern
    U72    담병증(膽病證)    Gallbladder disease pattern
    U73    위병증(胃病證)    Stomach disease pattern
    U74    대장병증(大腸病證)    Large intestine disease pattern
    U75    소장병증(小腸病證)    Small intestinal disease pattern
    U76    방광병증(膀胱病證)    Bladder disease pattern
    U77    충임포궁병증(衝任胞宮病證)    Disease pattern of thoroughfare, conception vessels and uterus
    U78-U79    장부겸병증    Combined Disease pattern of Viscera and Bowels

  • 사상체질병증(四象體質病證)(U95-U98)    Disease pattern of Four-Constitutional Medicine
    U95    소음인병증(少陰人病證)    Soeumin disease pattern
    U96    소양인병증(少陽人病證)    Soyangin disease pattern
    U97    태음인병증(太陰人病證)    Taeumin disease pattern
    U98    태양인병증(太陽人病證)    Taeyangin disease pattern